536 Mt Albert Road,
Threekings, Auckland

GP Hours - 8am-5.30pm
(Weekdays by Appointment)

Urgent Care - 8am - 8pm
(7 Days a week by Walk in)

Children are entitled to 11 free health checks from birth to three years. These are done to ensure that children are growing and developing as well as possible. Initial checks are carried out by your lead maternity carer (LMC).

Between the ages of 4-6 weeks and three years, checks may be carried out by a Well Child Provider of your choice e.g. Plunket, Maori health provider, community nurse, a general practice team (doctor and practice nurse). Your LMC will be able to give you a list of Well Child Providers in your area.

For more information visit:

Ministry of Health – Well Child Tamariki Ora Visits