536 Mt Albert Road,
Threekings, Auckland

GP Hours - 8am-5.30pm
(Weekdays by Appointment)

Urgent Care - 8am - 8pm
(7 Days a week by Walk in)

COVID 19 Testing

We perform testing according to the Ministry of Health’s criteria. The testing Criteria and funding has changed ofrom the 13th February 2023

Criteria for a  Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)
  • have COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. a fever, new or worsening cough, sore or scratchy throat, shortness of breath, sneezing and running nose) 
  • If you have a Positive RAT test on arrival to NZ from overseas – You will need a PCR test
  • are required to have a test under a mandatory testing order (e.g. a border or MIQ worker) 
Following will no longer be funded or required
  • If the RAT test is negative
  • COVID positive but you have passed the acute phase (Over 7 days)
  • Long COVID or Complications are not funded
  • Non residents and Visitors to NZ (Except Australian and UK citizens
  • Being a close contact without symptoms
  • Locations of interest
  • Domestic Travel
  • Visits or before private hospital procedures
  • Work place surveillance testing (Not for a supervised RAT)
  • Casual contact or a contact of a contact
  • We perform only the Rapid Antigen Testing. PCR tests are only done if there s a clinical suspicion which will benefit the patient and help in management of the condition. We DO NOT perform the Saliva PCR test.
  • If you have symptoms, please perform a RAT test before coming in. If you are COVID positive, you can make a phone consultation. If you are COVID negative and still need to be seen, you can see a doctor, please come in and inform the reception. You will be asked to wait in the car. It is recommended to wear a mask.
  • We are not a RAT collection centre or a community testing centre. 

For information about Travel COVID tests/swabs, please click h