You can contact us by phone or submitting the below form. Please visit our regularly updated website for important information before contacting. We do not give out medical advice over email or phone for privacy and medicolegal reasons. This is to be used only for general inquiries.
Repeat prescriptions please visit ‘Repeat Prescriptions’.
Enrolled patients can book appointments by visiting ‘Book Now‘.
If you would like to view your lab results and communicate regarding this/need brief advice, please login or sign up to the ‘Patient Portal‘, Or else book with a nurse
Please do not send paperwork without discussing with a doctor. If you need to fill up any certificates, applications and other forms, you will first need to have a consultation with a doctor.
If we have made a difference and if you are satisfied with the service, we would like hear about it. Please give us your feedback.
If you are not satisfied with the service and you would like to make a formal complaint, please click here
We endeavor to respond to your query within one business day.
Phone Number
09 625 2999
Email for general enquiries (Non clinical, non urgent)
536 Mt Albert Road, Threekings, Auckland