Lodge a Complaint
If we did not meet your requirements and if you are not happy about a particular service, please let us know. It is helpful to receive complaints soon after the event. We treat complaints seriously and aim to respond promptly.
We aim to achieve a mutually satisfactory conclusion to all complaints and where appropriate, take action to ensure similar situations do not arise again.
Ways to make a complaint:
In-person – It s best to discuss with the person who provided the service and come into a mutual agreement
In-person – Speak to the Practice Manager first who will direct you to the best course of action. If it cannot be resolved then she will pass it on to the Complaints officer – Dr. Katila Withanapathiirana to investigate it further
Fill out the complaints form at the reception and hand it over to the reception/box
Send us an email
You can also discuss this with a friend or find an advocate – https://advocacy.org.nz/ or Freephone 0800 555 050
Contacting the Health & Disability Commissioner – https://www.hdc.org.nz/
What happens next
We will acknowledge the complaint within 5 working days.
We will investigate the complaint and reply back to you within 20 working days. If we need more time, we will inform you within that time