536 Mt Albert Road,
Threekings, Auckland

GP Hours - 8am-5.30pm
(Weekdays by Appointment)

Urgent Care - 8am - 8pm
(7 Days a week by Walk in)

COVID 19 Vaccinations

Three kings Accident and Medical Clinic has been successfully providing COVID19 vaccinations since May 2021. We currently run the vaccination clinic daily on weekdays 9-5. You can book with the GP wing nurse or walk in. (Its best to check this before coming as we may run out of the doses at the end of the day.

Patients above 18 years receive 4 doses of the Pfizer vaccine. This gives you the best protection against COVID-19. The standard gap between the first two doses is 6 weeks. The minimum gap between doses is 21 days (3 weeks). This is available for everyone including and above 12 years of age. The booster dose will be available for patients above 18 years of age 3 months from the 2nd dose and 6 months from the 2nd Booster.

Some patients may be eligible for a 3rd dose 8 weeks after their second dose. Booster dose is different to this.

Pfizer vaccine for 5 to 11 year old children are available now. Gap between the two doses is 8 weeks.

If you had COVID recently, the gaps between the vaccines would be 3months. Please check this with your doctor

Enrolled patients can book through the portal


Read more at COVID19

The COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group has recommended that individuals aged 12 and older with severe immunocompromise receive a third primary dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.  

  • Individuals who are severely immunocompromised are at higher risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 and might not produce a sufficiently strong immune response after two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. A third primary dose may be beneficial. 
  • The third primary dose is optional but recommended. 
  • There are specific criteria for who can qualify for a third primary dose, this includes individuals who were undergoing immunosuppressive therapies prior to or at the time of their first or second dose. 
  • A primary third dose is different to a booster dose for the general population. 
  • Under the current immunisation programme, you cannot receive a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine in New Zealand unless you qualify under the criteria for a third primary dose. 
  • The Ministry is reviewing the research as it becomes available and expects to make a decision about booster doses for the general public in the coming months. 
  • The third primary dose must be administered no less than 8 weeks after the second dose. 
  • The third primary dose must be prescribed by a medical practitioner, in accordance with Section 25 of The Medicines Act 1981, as it is considered off label use, and informed, written consent must be obtained prior. A prescription also needs be provided by your GP or the specialist.
  • The consent form is in two parts: Part 1 to be completed at the time of the consenting conversation, and Part 2 to be completed at the time of vaccination.
  • Patients must present a prescription from a medical practitioner and the consent form (co-signed by the medical practitioner) to receive a third primary dose.
  • The third primary dose can be administered by all vaccination providers accredited to deliver the COVID-19 vaccination.

Read more


The Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) statement:

So, is there anyone who cannot have the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine? 

The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has an excellent safety profile and there are only a handful of eligible people (fewer than 100) in Aotearoa who cannot receive it at all. The list of reasons why the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine may not be suitable is short:

Before the first dose

  • History of severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to an ingredient of the vaccine. This is very rare, and only applies to previous anaphylaxis to a stabiliser in the vaccine called polyethylene glycol (PEG). However, this is often unclear as problems with PEG most commonly occur after having it by mouth and there may not be any problem with having it in a vaccine. Cases like this require expert assessment by an immunology specialist. 

In plain English, as the Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield has publicly stated, the only medical contraindication, or reason against having the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, is a known severe allergy to a component of the vaccine.

An acceptable medical contraindication is not your want nor wish.

An acceptable medical contraindication is not your anxiety and concern about the vaccine.

An acceptable medical contraindication is not your belief system about the vaccine

An acceptable medical contraindication is not that there may be an alternative vaccine in the future.

Any doctor’s letter suggesting the Pfizer vaccine is contraindicated would be dishonest unless there is a proven severe allergy, and without such proof an exemption would not be granted by the Minister for Covid-19 Response.

Threekings Accident and Medical Clinic finds no reason to support your request for an exemption.

We will support and assist you to get the vaccine.

We will continue to support you for your medical needs whatever your decision is regarding immunisation.

We do not administer the AstraZenica Vaccine at our clinic. For more information please click here


IMAC Information on AstraZenica – Click here

  • Novavax is now available. Threekings A&M will not offer this onsite.
  • In metro Auckland, it is available from a limited number of vaccination sites.
  • The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will continue to be the preferred COVID-19 vaccine. Novavax, alongside AstraZeneca, provides New Zealanders with other options. For some people the arrival of Novavax will be the extra incentive required to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Novavax is a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Novavax can be provided to people who have received a different COVID-19 vaccine as their first dose. This should occur at least 28 days after the first dose of the other COVID-19 vaccine.
  • A mixed course will require a consultation and prescription. Claiming for Novavax consultations will be advised via Medinz once confirmed.
  • There is currently insufficient data on the Novavax vaccine to recommend it during pregnancy.
  • It is not currently approved for use as a booster dose.

Get proof of your vaccination

COVID19 Vaccination Status certificates online – Click here

Vaccination passes can be obtained here in person

Patients who are enrolled and who are visiting the clinic can obtain a vaccine certificate from the COVID Vaccination nurse. The patient should be physically present, should have proof of identity and have a mobile phone.